jueves, 28 de mayo de 2020

miércoles, 27 de mayo de 2020


1. Take a look at these sentences and answer with “GOING TO” in affirmative, negative or interrogative.

  READ    WRITE      CARRY     FALL     TAKE     MAKE      WATCH     BUY
-      My brother ___________________________ a letter to his girlfriend that is living in New York. (future, affirmative).

-      She __________________________________ the umbrella because it is raining.

-      I ____________________________________ this book, all my friends tell me that it is very bad.

-      They __________________________________ tickets for the concert, it is very expensive.

-      ______ you _____________________________ the bed this morning?

-      The cat ________________________________ from the top of the house, it is skilled.

-      _____ he ________________________________ Star Wars in the cinema? I prefer to wait.

-      The luggage is very heavy, I __________________________________ it for you.

    2. Now, try to complete with “WILL”, think what is the best verb in each case (elige el verbo que creas oportuna para cada caso).

-      I think my sister _____________________ my family next weekend.

-      I don’t know if we ______________________ basketball next day.

-      They _________________________ go to the party, they say it is very late.

-      _________ you ____________ the present for the party?

-      The window _____________________ if there is an earthquake.

-      _____ they _____________ him for the baseball team.

martes, 26 de mayo de 2020

lunes, 25 de mayo de 2020

English worksheet

Para hacer esta tarea tienen que mirar la página 69 del libro de Inglés. Se hace en el cuaderno.

miércoles, 20 de mayo de 2020

lunes, 11 de mayo de 2020


El punto y la coma

Vamos a repasar algunos signos de puntuación, os dejo primero un pequeño recordatorio y luego, unos ejercicios para repasar; de todas formas, quiero recordaros, que la mejor manera de aprender ortografía (incluidos los signos de puntuación, es leyendo mucho)